
How to use Salesforce Composite Connector in Anypoint Studio?

Sivendu SasidharanWritten by Sivendu Sasidharan

Salesforce Composite Connector

In this blog we will take a closer look at how to use Salesforce Composite Connector in Anypoint Studio. Here we will go through it step-by-step.

Add Salesforce Composite Connector from exchange

Connector will not be available in the Mule palette initially; we need to import it from the Exchange. As a MuleSoft best practice, always use the latest and greatest connector versions from the exchange.

Add Salesforce Composite Connector from exchange

Configure Connector in Studio

To create a global element for the connector, configure these fields:

  • OAuth with Username and Password Authentication:
  • Consumer Key - The consumer key for the Salesforce connected app
  • Consumer Secret - The consumer secret for the connector to access Salesforce
  • Username - The Salesforce username
  • Password - The corresponding password
  • Security Token- The corresponding security token

Configure Connector in Studio

The consumer key and secret can be obtained once we create a connected app in Salesforce. A connected app is a framework that enables an external application to integrate with Salesforce using APIs.

Steps to create connected app in Salesforce

  • Login to Salesforce
  • Navigate to Setup → Apps → App Manager → New Connected App
  • Fill Required fields
  • Connected App name
  • Contact Email
  • Enable OAuth Settings
  • Provide call back url
  • Select full access OAuth Scopes
  • Click Save button

Once the connected app is created consumer key and consumer secret can be found under API (Enable OAuth Settings) section

Connected app in Salesforce

Connector Capabilities

Using a Anypoint Salesforce Composite Connector a developer can

  • Create one or more sObject trees with root records of the specified type.
  • Can create Up to a total of 200 records across all trees
  • Up to five records of different types
  • SObject trees up to five levels deep
  • In the request we should provide type and reference ID of each record

Refer to Salesforce API documentation for more information